Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dave's Deep Thoughts

Here's Pastor Dave McDowell's weekly devotional that he sends out to members of his church. Dave is my brother and serves as the Music Minister at Stewartstown UMC in PA.

Maybe, it's because I don't look good in orange.

I'm not sure of the reason,
but this I know.....
I am not a hunter.

Now, mind you,
I don't have anything against hunters or hunting.....
I'm just not a card carrying member.

I remember the annual 4 day trek
to the hills of central Pennsylvania
with my dad and his hunting buddies.

As much as I liked being with my dad,
these were not my favorite memories.
Maybe, it was the middle of the night wake up call.

There was something about the 3:30am wake up call,
that was not conducive to the lifestyle of a 13 year old.

When I asked why we needed to get get up so early,
my dad would say,

We need to get to the best spot in the woods,
before the deer start moving.

Best spot in the woods?
What was this....
Wal Mart on Black Friday?

As an early teen,
I don't remember waiting in lines to get into the woods.
It seemed to me like there was plenty of room.

Maybe, it was the lovely late November weather.

Nothing says "let's go stand out in the woods"
like 36 degrees and drizzle.

It was never 45 degrees
the Monday after Thanksgiving.
I couldn't even count on it being dry.

No, it was always 36 degrees and drizzly.
Opening day weather was more predictable
than the Farmers Almanac.

I could have taken snow, hail, or even a solar eclipse,
but bone chilling rain was a bit too much.
Oh, if global warming had only been around
when I was 13........

Maybe, it was that my feet would turn into blocks of ice.

By 5:30am,
I had lost all circulation in my feet.
In later decades,
I think this would have been termed child abuse,
but in those days,
it was just male bonding.

It's not that I complained.........much.

I tried every type of insulated boot.
A last ditch effort at battery powered
heating socks failed.

I was resigned that upon return home,
the diagnosis would be severe frostbite
and that I would only have days left in my life.

But I think the real reason that I am not a hunter,
was the question.

When you are sitting out in the woods for hours,
you have time to think.
When I wasn't thinking about
how tired I was,
or how damp and cold I was,
or how I had lost all feeling up to my knees,
I thought about this....

what would actually happen if I actually did kill a deer?

And so, I finally asked my dad.
It was his answer that changed the course of my life forevermore.....

Well, first you flip 'er over......
then you rip 'er open.....
then you gut 'er.......
and then you fling 'er over your shoulder,
and you carry 'er over the mountain.

As my core body temperature dipped to dangerous levels,
I thought about that answer.

And I realize something....

there was not one thing on that list
that I liked.

It was then that I emptied my gun
and I knew that my life was headed in a different direction.

I had a great dad.
He just wasn't prepared for a son who would become a musician.
Deer hunter, ball player......he could relate., at least not right away.

I had to BEG for three years to take piano lessons.
I knew at an early age that music was my passion.
It took my dad a few years to catch on.

I believe our heavenly Father
gives us passions and gifts for reasons.......
to use them.

Many young people dread piano lessons
like I dreaded hunting trips.

When we are connected into our giftings,
it is then that we come alive to experience the joy of who we are.

Sometimes you have to experience
what you don't like,
before you find what you do like.
Often you have to feel the no, before you find the yes.

Giftings come in many colors,
some more vibrant, others more subdued.
But when it is your gifting,
it is the best color for you.

Every deer hunting season
I remember back to those few years
when I would be miserable for 4 November days,
and I smile.

I just don't look good in orange.

May you find your true colors
as you live out the passion that God has given to you.

He handed out gifts above and below,
filled heaven with His gifts,
filled earth with His gifts.
He handed out gifts of apostle, prophet,
evangelist, pastor-teacher to train Christians
in skilled servant work, working within Christ's body, the church,
until we're all moving rhythmically and easily with each other,
efficient and graceful in response to God's Son,
fully mature adults, fully developed within and without,
fully alive like Christ.

Ephesians 4:11-13 The Message translation

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