Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions Or New Year's Covenants?

Another New Year is upon us which means the opportunity to make another set of resolutions for us to break by the end of January.  Sorry for this cynical comment but I think most of us share in the frustration of matching our good intentions with year long follow-through.

For example, every year one of my resolutions is to read more books to stimulate my thinking and knowledge base.  Guess what?  The books look great on the shelf at Barnes & Noble and after I buy some they don't look as sparkling on my desk covered with dust!

One of the strengths of John Wesley and the early Methodist movement was in their emphasis on covenants rather than resolutions.  By using covenant language, those early Methodists were drawing on the scriptural  understanding of God's loving faithfulness.  God is always faithful!  And because God is ALWAYS faithful, we can draw on a strength to help us keep our commitments.

We modern day United Methodists often forget that Wesley and the early Methodists had a very strong emphasis on the importance of the Holy Spirit.  We don't speak much about the Holy Spirit today but we should since it's through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can live out our faith from day to day.  Without the Holy Spirit guiding and directing us, it's all up to us.  And we know how relying on our own strength works for us!

So this year, instead of New Year's resolutions, think about New Year's covenants.  Pray about the lifestyle changes that are needed in order to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ in 2012.  Enter into covenant with God and invite the Holy Spirit to give you the strength and guidance to live out these changes.  Give thanks for God's faithfulness which will sustain you throughout the year.  And if you really want to live out your New Year's covenants, participate in a small group, class, or bible study, where people you trust can encourage and pray for you throughout the year.

"Dear God, for 2012, help me to remember your faithfulness and depend on your Holy Spirit as I read more books that will stimulate my thinking so that I can be a more dedicated follower of your Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen."

Now, where's my Kindle?

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