Thursday, December 15, 2011

When Re-Gifting Is OK

I know that re-gifting is not a socially acceptable custom around Christmas time.  What if the person who gave the gift finds out that the gift has been given to someone else?  What if the person who gave the gift doesn't see the gift in your possession making him/her wonder what was done with it?  For all these reasons, re-gifting is not OK. 

This leads me to say that I recently re-gifted a present.  This past Sunday as I was leading our first worship service, I noticed a surprise gift inside the pulpit.  My eyes lit up and a smile came to my face when I saw that it was a box of TastyKakes, my favorite cupcake treat when I was growing up in Pennsylvania. 

I have fond memories of buying a twin package of TastyKakes after being dropped off the bus in town as I waited for my mom to pick me up.  Here's how I would eat a butterscotch TastyKake.  First thing after peeling off the clear wrap, I would lick off the icing that had stuck to it.  And from there, you savor every bite.

Whenever I travel to Pennsylvania, I bring back several boxes and they don't last long.  Once in a great while, I will spot these heavenly treats in a grocery store but not very often.  So imagine my delight when I saw a box of TastyKakes inside the pulpit this past Sunday.  An anonymous gift giver had given me an early Christmas present!

During worship, the children of our church presented a mission trip team with gifts to give to the children of an orphanage in Russia.  This mission team will be celebrating Christmas with these children.

Now, I don't know how God tries to get your attention to do something.  For some, it's a little nudge and for others it's more like a push, but it was during this presentation of gifts that I felt a shove from God!  "Remember when you were a kid and loved to lick the icing off those clear wrappers?  Just think of how much the children in Russia will enjoy that same experience.  Re-gift your TastyKakes and give it to those children.  Give it away!"

And so, I handed over those heavenly delights to the mission trip team leader and I said, "Give these to the children.  They'll love these."

Christmas is about receiving the gift of God's Son, Jesus Christ not so that we can keep this gift for ourselves, but so that we can also share this good news with others.  I actually felt good when I handed that box to the mission trip leader. 

Sometimes, re-gifting is perfectly acceptable.

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