Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

Sermon (Jan. 29) – “Teacher Man”

Deuteronomy 18:15-20

-          Known as the Book of Instruction, the Torah.  Emphasizes teaching/learning for all generations. Moses speaks for God as they prepared to enter the Promised Land.
-          Moses is telling the people to not follow the practices of the surrounding religions. This was probably written during the post-exilic period (early 500’s B.C./400’s B.C.)  It was written to help Israel reform following their exile.
-          V. 15 – What is a prophet?  God’s spokesperson.  Not just foretelling the future, but warning and challenging God’s people to be faithful to the covenant.  Jesus is in line with the prophetic tradition. 
-          V. 20 – The dangerous life of a prophet!

Mark 1:21-28

-          How’s this for a full day?  Jesus teaches and heals, then heals Peter’s mother in law, then heals during the evening, goes to a deserted place, and then concludes the day by healing a leper.  Wow! 
-          This takes place in a village called Capernaum.  Jesus’ astounds everyone with his teaching because he doesn’t refer to what Moses said.  Jesus uses his own authority.
-          Jesus was a great teacher.  He instructed, comforted, and challenged his listeners to be prepared for God’s in-breaking kingdom and where God was about to fully reign.
-          Reflect on the teaching ministry of the church.  Sunday School, bible studies, small groups, Unbinding Your Heart initiative, Disciple Bible Study, sermons, counseling sessions, Bicentennial Year (both our local church history and our United Methodist history in general.)
-          Why was it important for Jesus to be a teacher?  Why is it important for the church to teach?
-          My personal teaching ministry: Preparing for sermons, bible studies, and reading books.  Presently I'm reading "Simply Jesus" by NT Wright which explores who Jesus is in his 1st century Jewish context.  I'm also reading, "How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth" by Gordon Fee.  It emphasizes the importance of reading scripture passages in light of the particular genre and in the context of the larger biblical narrative.

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