Sunday, January 15, 2012

Spiritual Peripheral Vision

Today's lectionary text from I Samuel reminds us of the importance of having "an Eli," someone who can help us discern God's calling.  All Eli did was tell Samuel to listen for God's voice and respond with "Here I am."  This story reminds me that we need each other if we want to truly hear God's voice.

Several years ago, a member of my small group shared with me that he felt I said something during a recent worship service that was ungracious toward a mutual friend.  When he first mentioned this, I remember feeling shocked and horrified that my comments were interpreted in a way I hadn't intended.  Looking back on my comment, I can see how someone would have taken it that way.

We all have blind spots in not being able to see how our words and actions are having a harmful impact on someone or a situation.  By having a trusted friend or small group, we can become more aware of our blind spots expanding our spiritual peripheral vision.  I also appreciated how he graciously shared the truth in love.

Thanks to my friend in that small group, I ended up apologizing to our mutual friend.  I also sought to be more intentional with the words I choose to use and how I use them. 

Who is your Eli?

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