Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Change of Travel Plans - Dave's Deep Thoughts

Here's Pastor Dave McDowell's weekly devotional that he sends out to members of his church. Dave is my brother and serves as the Music Minister at Stewartstown UMC in PA.
Sometimes you don't get what you want,
but you get what you need.

I have been waiting three years to go snow skiing.
Due to various life circumstances,
I have not been able to hit the slopes
for the past two winters.

And so I was looking forward
to some winter recreation this year.....
that's right, this year,
one of the warmest winters on record
in this part of the country.

If you are a skier,
you know that there is nothing like
standing at the top of a snowpacked mountain
and taking in the quiet and fresh air
that only a mountaintop can give.

There is a grandeur and sacredness
that can not be ignored,
except it seems, by 60 degree temps.

I delayed any trips in search of such grandeur
through December & January
as the forecasts repeatedly
mocked my intentions.

When February arrived
I knew it was now or never.
I planned a ski trip with
a buddy of mine for mid-month.
But the storm that I hoped would finally come,
never came.

Not only was there no big storm,
the temperatures began to soar
to spring like levels.

I was thinking about double diamond trails
while the daffodils were mocking me
as they began to push up through the ground

I was thinking about freshly fallen powder
and the pollen count was already rising.

I was thinking about cocoa in the ski lodge
while crocuses were starting to bloom.

I would have had just as much luck
going ice fishing in Florida,
deer hunting in Manhattan.

And so the night before the trip,
I turned on the weather report,
on my knees
praying for a change.

Oh, I got the change,
just not the change that I wanted.

The word I dreaded.....

came off the forecaster's lips easily.
Of course it did,
he had been practicing it for months.
But then he uttered two other words
that drive ski poles deep into any skier's heart....


The three w's.

You might as well have blogged me on

Back into the closet went the skis.
I called my buddy
and we agreed that skiing under such conditions
would be miserable.

But we both has the time off
and we decided to still take the trip
and find other things to do.

And that's what brought me
to what I needed
rather than what I wanted.

The memorial.

Ironically, it was located only minutes from
the resort where we would have been skiing.

It is the Flight 93 memorial,
the final resting place for the 40
who were aboard that ill fated flight on 9/11.

It is a place where thousand of people pilgrimage
each year to remember the lives of 40 people
who were thrust into the role of defending their nation
while their lives were being taken from them.

10 years after the event,
a national memorial has been raised
to honor the dead
to remind us of the reality of evil,
and the price that is paid when those who seek to terrify,
are given an opportunity.

Some of the other groups at the memorial
were carrying photographs,
possibly friends or relatives of the fallen.

By the calendar,
it wasn't a particularly significant day.
Perhaps it was a birthday or an anniversary....
a holiday known only to those who loved them.

Suddenly my no fun seemed so insignificant.

The memorial, which is still under construction,
allows the general viewer to observe the crater from some distance.
Only family members are allowed immediate access
to that sacred space.

If it hadn't been for warm, wet, and windy,
I probably wouldn't have come to this Holy Ground.

I began my journey praying for favorable weather conditions.
It ended as I prayed for peace with justice,
for comfort for the families,
for a world that does not know how to live under one God.

Sometimes you don't get what you want,
but you get what you need.
I pray it be so for those who have loved and lost.
I pray it be for all the nations of the world,
that we all find ourselves at the mountaintop
as we breathe in the sacredness of where we are.
Come quickly, Lord.
And the wolf will dwell with the lamb,
and the leopard will lie down with the kid.
And the calf and the young lion, and the fatling together;
And a little boy will lead them.
They will not hurt or destroy
in all My holy mountain,
for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord,
as the waters cover the sea.
Isaiah 11:6, 9

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