Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Fat Tuesday Sharing Your Faith Opportunity

Hi Bill.  Hi Sally.  Hey Tom.  How's it going Clarice?  Sometime this morning, check out what I brought to the work room this morning.

Oooh!  What did you bring?  Something good?

It's Fat Tuesday.  I brought some jelly filled, cream filled, and glazed donuts from Donut World.

Oh, that's right!  I forgot that this is that time of year!

Yeah, it's actually one of my favorite days.  It gives me an excuse to have a little sugar high and eat some of my favorite sweets which I don't do too often.  I also put on a pot of coffee for us, so enjoy!

What actually is Fat Tuesday?  Isn't it connected to Lent or something?

That's right.  Tomorrow, you'll see me with some ashes smudged on my forehead so don't think that I replaced the office copier toner cartridge!  It's because I attended the noon Ash Wednesday service at my church.

I remember that from last year and I thought that you had a flat tire on your way in to work.  I thought you got some grease on your forehead or something.

If I had a flat tire, I probably would get grease on my forehead knowing me.  But, no.  It's just ashes from the service.

Don't you feel a little funny wearing those ashes?  I mean, when you go through the check out line at Krogers, isn't that a little weird?

Oh, no doubt!  I'm not the kind of person that likes to draw attention to himself.  But for me, it's a tradition from the time I was growing up in church.  It's just something that we did every year.  If someone asks me about the ashes, I just tell them that it's Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent and that it reminds me of Jesus' death on the cross and how that led to his resurrection on Easter Sunday.  I guess you could say that it's a natural way to share my faith that day!

How do people respond when you explain it?

Well, they usually say something like, "Oh, that's right.  I forgot.  It's Ash Wednesday."  But by sharing a little about Jesus' death and Easter, it helps them to understand the symbolism of the ashes.

What church do you attend, again?

First United Methodist Church. 

You know, my husband and I have been talking about getting back to church.  Since we've moved to Lancaster, we haven't really found a church to call home, yet.  What time are your Sunday services?

9 & 10:30.  Come early because the parking lots fill up quickly.  I attend at the 9 A.M. service.  You want us to pick you up a little after 8:30 this Sunday and we'll attend worship together?

Sure!  Looking forward to it.

Oh, and you'll love the donuts during our Fellowship Hour!

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