Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Not Ignoring the Zero - Dave's Deep Thoughts


Here's Pastor Dave McDowell's weekly devotional that he sends out to members of his church. Dave is my brother and serves as the Music Minister at Stewartstown UMC in PA.

I believe in the adage,
you are only old once.

I saw it coming for weeks, no.........months.
You know what I mean,
that grand celebration when the big zero pops up.

I realize that some people put their heads in the sand
about the big zero,
wishing to ignore it,
or pretending that it doesn't happen.

Not me.
I believe in embracing it.
After all,
how can you ignore the zero?

Certainly the body doesn't.
Maybe that's it.
I concede that the body
isn't what it used to be.

Not quite as much pep,
signs of aging beginning to surface,
requiring a bit more upkeep than in earlier years.

Yes, I will admit there is no fun in that.
Who wouldn't want to roll back that zero
if they had the opportunity?

Return to a time
when there was a sleeker, trimmer model,
when there weren't as many failing parts,
and it was a bit easier to get started each morning.

But photographs do not lie.
And neither do calendars.

I often wonder
where the time has gone.
Most people do.

So many memories,
so many different places,
so many stories.

Some difficult times for sure,
but many more good times.

That's why I don't understand
why many people would rather ignore the zero.

It's not like there haven't been
previous celebrations of the zero.

Each time the zero rolls around,
it causes us to reflect,
and also to look ahead.

Maybe some people just don't like to reflect,
or maybe.....
people don't want to face the future.

I have to admit,
I wonder how long this body will be around.

But someone I know once commented,
There is an arrogance in thinking
about being over the hill,
because it assumes that you know,
how big your hill is.

I do wonder sometimes,
what the last days will be like,
and where will the body go when it's time.

Some might think this is morbid.
I just think it is a healthy and realistic view.

Yes, each time the zero pops up,
there is more to ponder,
but also,
more to celebrate.

Now this latest zero was
a BIG zero,
so you would think there would be a BIG celebration.

there were only two at the party,
me and the guest of honor.

you thought I was talking about myself.....

Goodness, no,
I am talking about my car.

She just turned 100,000 on the odometer.
She has been a faithful car over the years.
She has never failed to get me to my destination
(well except for the time that I ran out of gas,
but that wasn't her fault)

Rarely has she required
anything more than the usual upkeep.

Some of the reason that she has been
such a good car,
is that I have cared for her properly.

Throw in some good fortune,
and it's been 100,000 great miles.

Our bodies are a lot like cars.
Feed them daily
with the Word.

Upkeep them regularly
with the disciplines
of worship, prayer, and service to others.

Pray for blessing from our heavenly Father
and the probability of a long journey
on the highway of life is good.

Here's to your journey......

may there be many zeroes on your odometer,
may you care appropriately for your vehicle,
and may you safely reach the destination
that was promised you at your salvation.

But grow in the grace and knowledge of
our Lord Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory
both now and to the day of eternity. Amen
2 Peter 3:18

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