Friday, February 17, 2012

Too Many Swing Thoughts?

A friend of mine sent this picture of a golfer thinking about way too many swing thoughts prior to his swing.  Been there.  Done that!

This picture leads me to wonder if we have a similar problem in our faith sometimes.  Do we have too many "faith thoughts" that end up keeping us from doing anything at all with our faith?  Here are some examples of how too many "faith thoughts" can get in our way.
  • I'd like to join in that ministry but what if I don't have what it takes?
  • That bible study would be great to join but they probably know a lot more about the bible than I do and I'll look foolish.
  • Maybe I'll work my faith story in this conversation, but wait, he might think I'm a religious fanatic.
  • What if my financial gift won't make a difference in the church?  I'll hold back.
  • It would be great to seek out reconciliation with her but what if she doesn't want to renew our friendship?
  • I knew I should speak out on this issue facing our community but some people won't be happy with my stance.
  • It's been a long time since my son and I have spent some quality time together but he won't want to talk.
  • I want to start reading the bible more, but I just don't understand it and there are so many different kinds of Bibles.
What are some other "faith thoughts" that can get in the way of  us taking that next step in faith?  What "faith thought" does God want us to have in this moment so that we can be fully devoted to Christ?

And for all golfers out there, here's some advice a Jamaican golf caddy gave to a tourist who was thinking way too much during a round of golf.

He said, "Just hit it, mon!"

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