Sunday, March 25, 2012

Grace in My Pocket

On my day off last week, I took my car in for an oil change.  Fortunately, I had a 10% off coupon that had recently come in the mail.  I placed the coupon on the kitchen counter so I would remember to take it with me.  Believe it or not, I remembered to pick it up!  I usually forget to do things like this, even if it will help me!

I tucked the coupon in my shirt pocket, but thought to myself, "What if I don't remember it's in my shirt pocket when it's time to pay for the oil change?  Nah.  I'll remember to check there when it's time to pay," I said to myself with an air of confidence. As I sat in the waiting room, I did some reading and thought about things I needed to do that day.

"Your car's ready.  Let's ring you up.  Go ahead and swipe your card.  Choose debit or credit and then confirm the amount, and we'll have you out of here in no time," the nice oil change man said to me.  So I pulled out my card and swiped it. 

It was when the nice oil change man was handing me the receipt that I remembered the oil change coupon in my shirt pocket.  Knowing that I was too late, I still pulled it from my pocket to show it to him.  All he did was smile and say, "Just bring it with you next time." 

As I drove off to head home, I quickly figured up how much extra I spent by not handing the nice oil change man my oil change coupon in a timely fashion.  When I thought of how much I didn't save, I began my really bad habit of negative self-talk.  In the course of trash talking myself, I took the coupon out of my pocket and tossed it in the back seat area, sarcastically thinking how I will surely remember to look back there when my next three month oil change is due.  Not!

Reflecting on this recent oil change coupon forgetfulness episode, I am reminded that we sometimes treat God's grace in the same way.  We know it's there to use and that it will help us, but somehow, we still forget to incorporate it into our daily living.  The truth is, God's grace is always there for us.  The good news of our faith is that there is never a moment when God's grace is inaccessible.  God's grace is as close to us as our own shirt pocket, yet we tend to forget that it's there.  So we end up depending on our own efforts and resources when all along, the creator of the universe was reaching out to us with grace and mercy.

Being conscious of the grace of God in our lives takes discipline and attentiveness on our parts.  Having a good mentor friend and/or small group of Christian friends can really help along with attending worship, reading the bible, receiving communion, serving, and praying.

God's grace is as close to me as the pocket on my shirt. I just need to remember that it's there!

Dear Lord, thank you for your grace.  Remind me that your grace is always available in any given moment. In Jesus' name.  Amen.

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