Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Look at Easter Decorations - Dave's Deep Thoughts

Here's Pastor Dave McDowell's weekly devotional that he sends out to members of his church. Dave is my brother and serves as the Music Minister at Stewartstown UMC in PA.
Every holiday has it's unique traditions
and most holidays that have religious roots
often have secular customs that tag along.
That's not what has me bugged.
Now don't get me wrong.
I am all for holidays and
all that they do to bring meaning to our lives.
But let's have a moment
and talk about the elephant in the room.
You may not want to admit it
but you know what I mean........
I am talking about the decorations.
Christmas is often over the top.
We can't seem to get enough of Santas, wise men,
and toylands all rolled into
one ball of festiveness.
A sleigh flying over a manger scene?
Old news.
Halloween is a bit querky.
Some choose to ignore it completely
but many like nothing better
than putting cobwebs, cauldrons, and coffins in their yards.
Add some inflatable vampires,
and you have yourself one little scary celebration.
Thanksgiving is the middle child of the late year holidays....
sandwiched between the two giants,
often overlooked, feeling a bit neglected.
A pumpkin and some corn stalks
is about the best we get for this poor holiday.
This holiday is probably in need of some
major counseling later in life..
Then there are the late winter/early spring holidays.....
mostly quick flashes in the pan.
Valentines is a quick flash of red hearts and arrows.
But let's admit it,
it's all about the chocolate.
On St. Pattie's Day,
we all briefly go green for 24 hours,
though I must admit.....
I'm not a big fan of the leprechaun.
Then there are the summer patriotic holidays.....
Memorial Day, Flag Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day.
You aren't truly patriotic unless
everything is red, white, and blue,
including your picnic napkins
and your fruit salad.
we have a pretty good idea
what to do with each holiday,
that is ...........
you can admit it.
And the winner of the award for
the worst decorated holiday
(drum roll)
is Easter!
In a landslide vote.
Was there ever any doubt?
I'm not sure what the problem is.
Maybe its the pastel colors of spring
that create this garish splash of color.
Maybe my impression of the holiday
was tempered as a child
when I was trapped on a easter egg train ride
with a giant man dressed up in a sweaty easter bunny outfit.
Yeah, that required years of counseling.....
Whatever the reason,
Easter decorations tend to be plain ugly.
It starts with the plastic easter eggs
hanging from tree branches
and goes downhill from there.
So much work
for so little aesthetic result.
I saw an inflatable bunny
rising out of an oversized easter basket.
But I think it was the easter tomb decor
that was the worst of all.
Planted in a yard there it was........
a 3 foot replica of the tomb,
with an easter bunny outside
counting down the days till resurrection.
I think we have a winner folks.
Maybe the reason we don't know how to
decorate for Easter
is because you never win
when you try to re-create the beauty of God.
All around us there are signs of new life,
particularly in this year of the early spring.
Trees, plants, flowers
all exploding in color and fragrance.
The Scripture repeatedly proclaims the theme
that all of creation
gives praise and worship to its Creator.
And as the created,
our best attempts to worship & praise
do not come close to honoring
the source of all beauty.
And because Easter
is the celebration
that trumps all celebrations,
our best efforts to both comprehend it,
and to express it fall grossly short.
So the next time
you see a bad Easter display,
turn the other way
and instead look at a tree in bud,
a flower in bloom,
or better yet,
look to the heavens as the sun
radiantly shines upon you,
and proclaim,
I know that my Redeemer lives.
You won't understand it completely in the moment,
but later on,
on the other side of the river,
you will nod you head
as you gaze on supreme beauty.
A joyous celebration of the resurrection to you and yours!
How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of Him who brings good news,
who announces peace and brings good news of happiness,
who announces salvation,
and says to Zion,
'Your God reigns!"
Isaiah 52:7

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