Friday, April 27, 2012

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures


April 29 Sermon – “Three Simple Rules: Do No Harm”
Galatians 5:13-21

-         This is a scripture about how to use our freedom, which is the main purpose of Paul’s letter to the Galatians.
-         Verse 13 - Freedom is so that we can be loving and not selfish.  When we have fights and squabbles, we are not free. We are enslaved to our old way of living.
-         Verse 16 - What’s the alternative to the old way of living?  Allow the Spirit of God to direct your life. 
-         Focus on the list of selfish things (verses 19-21).  Where do we see these things at work and in our own lives?

John 10:11-18

-         Jesus, the Good Shepherd.  The word, “good” means “beautiful” meaning that Jesus’ invitation to be their shepherd is compelling and attractive for people to follow him.  Jesus’ love by being willing to die for the sheep draws us toward Jesus.
-         This passage is similar to a political debate.  Jesus is pointing out why he is the true Good Shepherd and the others are not.
-         Verse 11 - The true shepherd is willing to die for the sheep!
-         Who are the sheep?  Jesus has in mind, the people of Israel but also everyone. It was through Israel that God would bring salvation to the world.
-         Verse 18 – A hint of the resurrection.
-         In talking about being the Good Shepherd, Jesus is probably thinking of Ezekiel 34.  It talks about God being the true shepherd of Israel.  But he also speaks of the Messiah being the shepherd of Israel.  Through Jesus, we see that it is both since Jesus and God are one.

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