Thursday, May 17, 2012

Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures - May 20

May 20 – Bicentennial Founders’ Day Celebration & Ascension Sunday

Acts 1:1-11

·        This is an ascension day reading when Jesus ascended to be seated at the right hand of God, the Father.
·        Luke, who wrote the Gospel also wrote this book.  Another title of this book could be, “The Deeds and Teaching of King Jesus Part II.”
·        Even though Jesus only appears in the first nine verses in this book, it is all about Him!
·        Acts is similar to other books of the 1st century.  Unlike the Gospel of Mark, a quick read gospel, Luke has a more in depth audience in mind.
·        Acts is a book about the church and a book about Jesus.  The key event was the resurrection of Jesus 
·        Another key feature of this book is the presence of the Holy Spirit. 
·        The twelve disciples correspond to the twelve tribes of Israel.  Jesus is bringing Israel together through the birth of the church for the sake of the world.  The disciples want to know when the time will be fulfilled.  See Psalm 72 & 89 for this longing of the Jewish people. The answer is yes and no.  Easter inaugurated the kingdom.
·        Jesus gives the disciples a road map for how the kingdom will expand; first, Jerusalem, then Samaria, and then to the whole earth.
·        The word “earth” in the bible is referring to the whole cosmos, not just the planet earth.  A whole new cosmos is our eventual home for eternity (heaven and earth together!)
·        Jesus is lifted up (ascended) not to outer-space but to the heavenly sphere of God’s creation.  The cloud refers to the cloud in the wilderness story of the Israelites.  It’s a sign of God’s presence!  Jesus will return when heaven and earth and made one.  Jesus ascending is a parody of the ascension of the Roman emperors.  Jesus is the true king of the world. 
·        The disciples are called to pray and worship. 

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