Thursday, May 10, 2012

Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures (May13)

May 13 Sermon – “Three Simple Rules – Staying in Love with God”

I Timothy 4:6-16

-          V. 8 – One of the clearest references to physical exercise in the New Testament! For genuine godliness, we need to train well.  Spirituality doesn’t come naturally.  We actually have to work at it.  The purpose of the training is to produce, “life.”
-          V. 10 – The word, “struggle” is a wrestling (as in the sport) term.  We are going against gravity when we seek to work on our faith.
-          V. 10 – The word, “Savior” was a well known word in the greater Roman Empire.  People associated this word with the Roman Emperor.  Paul applies it here to Jesus Christ who is the true savior of the world.
-          V. 13 – Reading is important in our training! 
-          V. 14 – Don’t neglect the gift that is in you.  Paul is offering this word of advice to Timothy, a young pastor.  He’s helping him to not get “burned out” in ministry. 
-          V. 16 – Pay attention to yourself.  Think about the kind of person you are becoming.

John 21:15-17

-          The three questions correspond to the three denials of Peter.  Jesus goes to the source of Peter’s pain to help him come into a new beginning with Jesus. 
-          Jesus doesn’t just forgive Peter, he gives him a job to do.  Feed my sheep.  Since Jesus is the good shepherd (John 10) Peter can fulfill his calling by staying focused on Jesus. 
-          The key to serving Jesus no matter what our ministry is – our love for Jesus and Jesus’ love of us!

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