Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Our Church's Bicentennial - The Importance of Prayer

[Methodist Circuit Rider Preacher, Rev. Peter Cartwright, 1785-1872 who was assigned to our New Lancaster, Ohio class meeting for one year 1806.]

Our next big bicentennial celebration event will be an old fashioned Methodist tent revival on Sunday, June 24, 5:00 P.M. at our Crossroads facility.  At this event, we will meet the most famous Methodist horseback circuit rider preacher, Rev. Peter Cartwright who covered this area back in 1806.

Peter lived from 1785 to 1872 and wrote an autobiography of his life toward the end of his illustrious ministry.  I read it this past winter in preparation for our church’s bicentennial.  It helps give a picture of what the Ohio frontier was like in the early 1800’s and the hardships those early Methodist preachers endured as they traveled from town to town preaching the good news of Christ.

Peter actually lodged in Ed Teal’s log cabin who was the founding layperson of our church.  Peter was warned that Ed would expect him to join him for early morning prayers.  When Peter woke to join Ed for prayer, he was surprised and disappointed that Ed didn’t include the rest of his family for the morning prayer time.  Later that day, Ed chastised Peter for not joining him.  When Peter explained why he didn’t pray with him, Ed thanked Peter for making his point. 

I’m glad that stories like these from our church’s history often include a deep commitment to prayer.  As we continue our bicentennial year, let’s remember to make prayer an important part of our daily living and let’s include others to pray with us.

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