Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Prayer - An Indispensable Spiritual Discipline

As our West Ohio Conference begins to make the transition between bishops, this recent picture of our conference staff members praying for Bishop Gregory Palmer reminded me that prayer is one of the indispensable spiritual disciplines of our faith. Our prayers are with Bishop Ough and Bishop Palmer in this time of episcopal transition.

Prayer is a humbling exercise because it reminds us that the work of ministry is not about us.  It's about the work of the Holy Spirit guiding, directing, nudging, challenging, convicting, compelling, comforting, and equipping us to live out our faith.

Prayer is what helps us to see the people around us from a new and fresh perspective.

Prayer is what leads us to places we would have never gone if left to our own strategies.

Prayer is what softens our hearts so that God can use us.

Prayer is how we keep our focus on the main thing.

Prayer is what unites us as brothers and sisters in Christ and not simply as democrats vs. republicans, rich vs. poor, contemporary vs. traditional, Ford vs. Chevy, and Bengals vs. Browns.

Prayer is what is getting me through a recent death in my family.

Prayer is what unlocks my writer's block for blog posts and sermons.

Prayer is an indispensable spiritual discipline.

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