Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lectionary Bible Commentary - For Sunday, February 3

Sermon (February 3) – “The Jeremiah Leadership Training Course”

Jeremiah 1:4-10

-       Jeremiah began his ministry around 627 B.C. Babylon had taken over Assyria for control of the Middle East. God called on Jeremiah to be a prophet to the people of Judah (southern kingdom) during very troubling political time.
-       Verse 5 – “Yashar” means “formed.” Like a potter forms clay into pottery.
-       God calls Jeremiah who is without experience or authority to be a spokesperson.
-       This scripture was what led me to accept a calling into the ordained ministry.  When I read that God was placing his words in Jeremiah’s mouth, that gave me
confidence to know that God would do the same for me in my ministry.  What reassurances do you need to say yes to God’s calling in your life?

Luke 4:21-30

-       This picks up from last Sunday’s lectionary scripture from Luke.
-       Jesus gets into trouble with the religious authorities because Jesus is saying that his ministry will go beyond Israel to people who were considered enemies. This was very similar to what got Elijah and Elisha in trouble in the Old Testament.
-       Jesus chose the Isaiah passage to read in the synagogue because he saw himself as fulfilling the call to be a light to the nations.  This was supposed to be Israel’s mission all along!
-       A gospel that reaches beyond ourselves to the greater world will always create a reaction especially from the people who see themselves as the insiders.  How can we guard against an insider mentality?

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