Friday, June 21, 2013

Don't Dodge God's Love!

A church member recently asked me to rebaptize him. "I'm reading my bible, I'm praying, and I'm experiencing a change in my life as I seek to follow Christ. Will you rebaptize me?"

After explaining to him that United Methodists do not rebaptize because we believe that baptism is primarily what God has done for us through Jesus Christ rather than what we do, I asked, "Would you be interested in a baptism renewal service?"  I said, "A baptism renewal is how we respond to God's love and faithfulness in our lives."

With great excitement, he said, "Yes, that's what I want to do!"

Little did I know that just three days later, I would find myself at an impromptu baptism renewal service. No, it didn't include this same church member. This unexpected baptism renewal service was at our mid-week youth gathering and their water balloon dodge fun.

After we had some fun throwing water balloons and dodging them to avoid getting wet, it just seemed right to ask the youth the question, "Anyone here, want to renew their baptism?" Surprisingly, several youth volunteered and instead of dodging my water balloon toss as they had been doing, they gladly allowed me to break water balloons over their heads as I offered the liturgical words, "Remember your baptism and be thankful."

For some, it's during a worship service when God prompts someone to renew their faith in Jesus Christ. For others, it's during a mid-week water balloon dodge fun event.

As we go through our day, don't "dodge" God's love. Let's be open to God's invitation to renew our faith, remember our baptism and be thankful.

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