Sunday, June 2, 2013

Strategies for a Vital Church

June 1, 2013
Dear Friends,

  Recently, our staff met with Rev. Jim Waugh who is the Assistant to the District Superintendent. Jim shared demographic information with us about our Lancaster community. Here are some key points from our time together:

  • Servant evangelism ministries in our community such as our monthly Second Saturday outreach are an important way of reaching people beyond our church walls.
  • Hospitality ministries are extremely important for first time worship guests especially if they have strollers, infants, and children with behavioral issues. Placing greeters at our parking lots and at our building entrances will go a long way in helping our guests feel a calm and loving spirit upon arrival at our church.
  • Short-term study groups tend to work best rather than long-term classes for many people in our community. Also, offering child care during study groups is very important for young families.
  • Recreational activities and fun/inexpensive trips to the zoo, park, etc. are usually well received.
  • Hosting special family friendly events designed for the community provide a bridge for people to begin attending church.
  • Finance/stewardship/budgeting classes appeal to many people in our community who are experiencing high debt.
  • A Sunday School program that offers both a traditional curriculum as well as a more experiential based approach is desired. The diversity of educational needs in our community shows that both approaches are important.
  • People who are not accustomed to tithing their money on a regular basis to the church are more likely to donate items or offering money for specific needs.
  There are also other important points that we are discussing about our surrounding Lancaster community. It’s interesting that we have already been focusing on some of these areas. I invite us to pray about how we might continue to be a church that reaches out to our community with the love of Jesus Christ.

  Serving with you,

Pastor Robert

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