Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tweets from 2013 West Ohio Annual Conference (June 9-12)

[Our West Ohio Conference picture: Lancaster First UMC Delegates - Alicia Niceswanger (front right), Brad Niceswanger (Back right), & me (front center.) The other three are wonderful friends in the ministry, even the one who is making the moose ears directly behind me!]
"Taken" has been the theme of our West Ohio Annual Conference this year. The theme, "taken" reminds us that through baptism, God has claimed us and knows us by name.

I have copied and pasted my tweets over the past three days while here at Lakeside, Ohio. Obviously, many more highlights could be shared but these are some of my reflections.  For more information about the week, click on this link. We still have one more day of our conference.

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