Thursday, July 25, 2013

Getting "Discipled"

During my run today, a coach was walking toward me on the bike path. As we were passing each other, he said in a very clear voice, "Good morning!"  It sounded very genuine and intentional as if he wanted to make sure I heard him.

About a hundred yards up the bike path, a group of what I suppose were his field hockey team were fast approaching me as I continued my run. Call it a sixth sense or chalk it up to past history playing sports, I thought to myself, "I bet when I run by these players they will do the same thing."  And sure enough, one by one, they said to me, "Good morning!" just like their coach had said to me.

It became very obvious at that point that this coach had intentionally taught his players a life skill. Greet people you see with a positive word.

I don't know if these players realized it or not, but they had been "discipled." They were doing what their leader had taught them to do.

On this St. James Feast Day, we remember this faithful disciple of Jesus. He, along with the other disciples followed Jesus' every move and in many ways they lived out his teachings. Jesus modeled what it meant to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself. James had been "discipled" by Jesus.

How do we allow Jesus to disciple us today? By reading scripture, praying, worshipping, giving, and serving on a regular basis? May each day be a day that we allow Jesus to disciple us.

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