Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sunday Worship Scriptures Commentary (September 22)

Sunday, September 22 – “Are You Ready to Grow in Your Prayer Life?

I Thessalonians 5:12-22

The Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the church in Thessalonica which was located approximately 200 miles north of Athens, Greece. In this scripture reading, Paul closes his letter by offering several easy to remember commands that will help their church to be vital and filled with joy.

Many of the Thessalonians were from a pagan background. Paul is teaching them a new way to live. This doesn’t happen over night!

Verses 16-22 are put together in such a way that will help the Thessalonians to remember them. This list helps us to experience joy in the midst of the challenges that may come our way.

Which of these items on the list (verses 16-22) do you need to give more focus? What does it mean to pray without ceasing?

Luke 6:12-19

The Gospel writer, Luke tells us how Jesus spent the night in prayer before choosing twelve people to be his disciples.

Verse 12 – Jesus spends the whole night on the mountain and prays. Jesus modeled a life of prayer. He prayed before making decisions. Think of his prayer in the garden before he went to the cross. Think of this prayer in our Gospel reading before he chose the twelve disciples.

Jesus’ Prayer Life – He would have prayed the common Jewish prayers of his day which included a form of what we know today as the Lord’s Prayer.

Printed Prayers from The Book of Common Prayer – For guidance, for getting sleep, for anniversaries, for peace, for the President & Governmental Leaders, for travel, for the homeless, for young people, etc.

Spontaneous Prayers - Address God, offer the prayer need/praise/request, and conclude with “Amen.” (Addressing God and closing the prayer may include words/metaphors that describe God’s nature.)

The Lord’s Prayer – When you pray this prayer pause at different clauses and add your personal prayers.

The Psalms – Use these to also pause at different parts of the Psalm to offer your unique prayer requests/praises.

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