Monday, September 30, 2013

The Right Scripture at the Right Time

[View from the top of a mountain in Central Pennsylvania where my dad went deer hunting every year.]

As the sun was rising above the beautiful mountain range in Central Pennsylvania a few weeks ago, I randomly opened the bible to begin my day. It opened to Psalm 125 which had these very appropriate words for my geographical setting, As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time on and for evermore.

I like to spend time at the mountains. It’s where dad took me deer hunting and where our family enjoyed summer vacations. This area is filled with God’s beauty. The early morning mountain fog, the beautiful and well kept farms, and the nearby State Park with a crystal clear lake shape my childhood memories.

That morning, when I read that bible verse about the mountains, a smile came to my face. God really does provide the right scriptures at the right time for us. As I read that verse and took in the beauty of the sun rising above the mountains, I was reminded of God’s protection and presence in my life.

We are in the middle of our church-wide “Committed to Christ: Six Key Steps to a Generous Life. The steps include prayer, bible reading, worship attendance, witnessing, financial giving, and serving. When we make a commitment to make these six steps a priority in our lives we become more aware of God’s presence.

I’m so glad that I opened the bible to Psalm 125 that morning in the mountains because God had a special message for me that day. May God bless each of you as we continue our “Committed to Christ” journey together.

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