Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sunday Worship Scriptures Commentary (October 13)

October 13 Sermon – “You Shall Be My Witness”

Colossians 4:5-6

The Apostle Paul wrote this short letter to the Christians in Colossae. He probably wrote this from prison in Ephesus which was about a hundred miles away.

In this letter, Paul lets this new church know that he is glad to hear that the good news of Christ is taking shape in Colossae and it is bearing fruit. In this letter, Paul wants to help this church know how to continue to bear fruit and grow.

As new Christians, Paul wants them to take on new responsibilities of sharing their faith with others.

Look at v. 2 earlier in this same chapter in which Paul encourages them to pray. Prayer and sharing our faith are interwoven. Prayer is what provides opportunities for us to share our faith with others.  Prayer and evangelism go hand in hand!

Verses 5-6 – Paul wants the Colossians to do as he does which is to make the “mystery of the King (Jesus) clear.” (See back to v. 3)

Paul says to speak with grace and salt – In other words, don’t be boring! This involves being good listeners of people’s questions and responding in appropriate ways.

Matthew 28:19-20

This is commonly known as “The Great Commission.”

Notice that this scene of Jesus with his disciples takes place on a mountain which is the place where so many significant things have already taken place in Matthew’s Gospel such as the sermon on the mount and the transfiguration of Jesus. This scene where Jesus commissions the disciples is equally important.

Jesus is giving the disciples all authority in heaven and earth. This reminds us of when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness to be given all power. Since that was before his victory over sin and death through the cross, Jesus chose to not receive all this power. Now that the victory has been won, Jesus claims this power and we are called to live out the power of the gospel.

We are called to make disciples. Just as Jesus called the first disciples, he now calls them to make disciples! Jesus calls us to baptize. Baptism is what marks us as belonging to Christ. Jesus also calls us to teach. He has already taught the disciples so much in the Gospel of Matthew. Now, they are to share these teachings with others.

Jesus assures the disciples they can do these things because of the authority that has been given him and them and because he will be with them always.

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