Thursday, November 14, 2013

AHOP - A House of Prayer

In the community where I previously served was a non-denomination church that was known as AHOP which stands for "A House of Prayer." It took me about a year before I began to refer to this church as "AHOP" rather than "IHOP." I often thought that this church should serve pancakes on Sunday mornings just in case they got IHOP customers by mistake.

Really, every church should be known as a house of prayer. Prayer is what reminds us that ministry does not depend upon our own strength and cleverness. Thank goodness for that!  Our ministry depends on how open we are to what God wants to do in and through us. It's not about us but it's always about God.

This week, I have been reminded of the importance of prayer on several occasions. Earlier this week, a church member called to let me know that during a recent worship service, she made a commitment to pray on a daily basis. She told me about a friend who was going through a really difficult time. She said that her prayer commitment was helping her to share God's love with this person. At the end of our conversation, we shared in a prayer.

I visited one of our church members who is a patient at the hospital. She is physically unable to attend church but listens to us on the radio. She said to me, "I may not be able to make it to church on Sundays, but I want you to know that I pray for you and the church every single day." I thanked her and told her that her prayers are making a difference.

Today, for our weekly staff meeting, we will be using our church directory to take turns praying for church members with last names beginning with the letter, "B." We have been praying through our directory as a way of being more intentional in the discipline of prayer. Sometimes when we pray out loud for a family, we pause for a moment, knowing that they have recently experienced a joy or sorrow. It's also been meaningful when we also say the names of the children.

The name of our church is First United Methodist but maybe it's time we have a nickname as well. How does "AHOP" sound? Just remember that the last letter stands for prayer.

Even those I will bring to My holy mountain And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar; For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples. - Isaiah 56:7

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