Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sunday Scripture Commentary for November 17

November 17 Sermon – “Faith Trek”

Isaiah 65:17-25

Our scripture reading this morning is one of the most beautiful poetic visions in the entire Bible. The prophet Isaiah shares this hope filled vision with God's people, who, having returned from exile, are wondering if there is any future left for them.

V. 17 – New heavens and a new earth – This is the ultimate hope of the Christian faith. One day, God will renew all of creation. This phrase is used in Revelation 21:1.

V. 18 – The people can rejoice now because God is already creating this vision for the future. The future is breaking into the present!

VV. 19-24 – Offers us signs of this future vision breaking into the present. No more weeping, cries of distress, short life spans, building of houses, vineyards, fruit, protection from invaders, satisfaction in work, protection of future generations, God’s prevenient grace - the grace that extends to us even before we are aware of it! (v. 24.) Hints of this hope filled future surround us in our present situations.

V. 25 – Refers to the future time when the new heavens and new earth will be completed. A sign of this is that the animal kingdom will live in peace and harmony. This is similar to the vision offered in Isaiah 11:6-9.

Thoughts on this Text:

1.     The good news of the Christian faith is that one day, God will set everything right. Justice and peace will completely fill this earth (new heavens and new earth.) In scripture passages like this, God reminds us of this future again and again.
2.     Jesus inaugurated this future vision through the cross and the empty tomb. Jesus’ resurrection was the advanced sign of this future vision.
3.     In the present, we still live in a world of pain and brokenness, but there are also signs of this future   vision as we live in the present.
4.     Isaiah invites us to live into this new future that God has prepared for us.

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