Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sunday Scripture Commentaries (December 8)

December 8 Sermon – “Peace…Strength to Hold On”

Isaiah 40:1-5

Jerusalem and Judah have been conquered and the leaders of the people have been deported to Babylon. But even in these seemingly hopeless times the prophet has a vision of the future, of God and the heavenly court.

Verses 1-2 – Some scholars believe that the Lord is speaking to the prophets to share this message of hope with the people of Israel.

Verses 3-5 – Language that will later be used by John the Baptist. This is Exodus language. There will be a new exodus for the people of Israel as they return from exile.

Matthew 3:1-12

This scripture connects with the Isaiah reading which is the Old Testament lesson for this Sunday.

Verse 3b – The image is of preparing a road for the king to return. Isaiah prophesied that God would return to Jerusalem and save the people.

If the king is returning soon, the people need to get ready. How does John the Baptist tell them to get ready? Baptism and repentance (Verse 2 & 6)

Baptism and getting baptized in the Jordan River was symbolic of how God led the Israelites across that same river to enter the Promised Land.

John also offers a warning to not be complacent and rely on their past ancestry (V. 9.) Instead, they are to have an active faith that is always ready to receive the new thing that God is about to do.

Thought: How does this emphasis on preparing for the coming of Christ through repentance fit into our modern day focus on preparing for Christmas Day?

[Note: The resources used for these scripture reading commentaries are based on the Everyone series by NT Wright, The Wesley Study Bible, and the “Montreal-Anglican” lectionary commentaries.]

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