Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sunday Scripture Commentary for January 26

January 26 Sermon – “The Invitation”

Isaiah 9:1-4

Our Old Testament reading from Isaiah 9:1-4 refers to the land of Zebulun and Naphtali. These are the same places that are mentioned in our Gospel reading for this same Sunday when Jesus calls and invites some fishermen to come and follow him.

Zebulun & Naphtali - These regions were annexed by Assyria in 733 BC. The people of Israel had been taken captive.

V. 4 – yoke, bar, and rod were symbols of being enslaved by another power.

Matthew 4:12-23

In our Gospel reading, Jesus begins his public ministry by calling some fishermen to follow him. When people respond to Jesus, they move from darkness into God's light.

This scripture comes immediately after Jesus is tempted in the wilderness for 40 days. He is now ready to launch his public ministry and he calls some fishermen to follow him.

V. 13 – Zebulun & Naphtali point us to the Isaiah passage which is one of our readings on this Sunday. Jesus is fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy that God’s light will be extended to God’s people.

V. 17 – Matthew uses the phrase, “Kingdom of Heaven.” This is often a misunderstood phrase. Since it says, “heaven” people immediately assume that it is referring to a kingdom that is beyond our earthly time and space. In truth, Matthew only uses the word “heaven” because he doesn’t want to be disrespectful and use God’s name in this phrase. By “kingdom of heaven” Matthew is referring to the biblical belief that a time is coming when heaven and earth will become one and everything will be made new again. Jesus’ resurrection was the launching of this kingdom, although we still await it’s final consummation.

VV. 18-22 – Jesus’ calls some fishermen to come and follow him and they do! The sermon this Sunday will explore why these fishermen were willing to leave everything behind in order to follow Jesus. The more important question is if we are willing to leave everything to follow Jesus and be part of God’s in-breaking kingdom in the world and in our day to day living.

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