Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Memorial Tribute to Trotter & Lilabelle

Trotter & Lilabelle

In 2000, while we were living in Toledo, our sheltie died and we began to think about getting another dog. A really nice couple in my church owned two West Highland Terriers and our family fell in love with this breed that is known for tons of energy and a lot of self-confidence!

One day while eating breakfast at a Bob Evans restaurant in Toledo, we began thinking of names for a new dog which we decided would be a Westie. Nothing was jumping out at us. We happened to look out the window of the restaurant and noticed a place across the street called "Trotter's Tavern." "Perfect! We'll name him Trotter!"


Trotter the Wonder Dog was born in August, 2000. He lived in Toledo for a short time with us before we moved to a new appointment in Xenia. While we were there, we got our second Westie, Miss Snow White Lilabelle (Lily.) See picture below.


A few years later, we got our third Westie, My Wee Lass Lulu Mae (Lulu.) See picture below.


Just a couple of days ago, with the counsel of our vet, we decided to put Trotter and Lil down due to chronic pain and dementia. They were both thirteen so we are thankful that they were able to live full lives.

This past Fall, we began to notice that Lilabelle, the most awesome varmint hunting dog ever, was having a lot of painful arthritis problems. She then began to experience dementia. We were told that she probably only had a few months left.

As we tried to get our minds around Lilabelle's condition, Trotter, just six months older than Lilabelle was starting to show some of the same signs of arthritis and confusion. Both of them were becoming more territorial and agitated as the days went by because of their condition. Our vet who has been wonderful through this very difficult time, recommended that both dogs be put down.

On Friday, January 31st, Trotter and Lilabelle died peacefully in Penny's arms. After they passed, I said a prayer thanking God for blessing us with these two wonderful dogs. It was one of the most difficult days of our lives.

We still have Lulu who is in good health and has lots of energy. Our son told her that she is now in charge of protecting the house.

In these first few days, we're getting used to a much quieter house. We've also been reminiscing about all the fun times we had with Trotter and Lilabelle over the past several years. Here are a few that come to mind.
  • When playing catch outside, Trotter was known to steal the baseball and put it under the porch where we couldn't reach it. 
  • They have been known to get loose and run through the neighborhood. It's a miracle that we were able to retrieve them each time!
  • All day and sometimes through the early morning hours, Trotter and Lil would dig in the backyard for a varmint. Talk about persistence! They would get so muddy that we had to spray them down. 
Trotter & Lilabelle digging for hours in our backyard.
  • It wasn't unusual for them to bring their prey into our house as a way of bragging about their hunting exploits.
  • When we first moved to Lancaster, we took them to Rising Park where they were invited to be in a low budget movie. They were the dogs of a young couple in love and they walked them around the pond. We still need to find out what the name of that movie was!
Pets become part of our family. Somehow, the daily routine of playing with them, putting them to bed, feeding them, taking them for walks, and giving them treats give our lives even more meaning. Trotter and Lilabelle taught us about loyalty, perseverance, and happiness. 

I'm in a very nostalgic and melancholy mood as I type this tribute. Grief takes time and we're only in the early stage. 

In the midst of our deep loss, I notice that I'm even more thankful for the blessings of this life. We have each other and Lulu is still our baby girl although she has just been promoted to head of security. 

Just before I began writing this post, I read Psalm 42:11 as part of my daily devotions. My heart is still heavy but these words of hope are just what I need now. May these words comfort you in the midst of the grief and sadness you may be facing.

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my help and my God.  


  1. What a beautiful tribute, Robert. Our pets truly are family members who never give us an unkind word. They just love us unconditionally as does our Lord. I cannot imagine a heaven without them so I know they will meet us in our forever life. God be with you and your family as you go through this very sad time.

  2. Robert and Penny,
    We are so sorry for your loss. Our little Chocha died while we lived in Lancaster and we talk about her ways of ruling the house and us -- all the time. Those memories are precious and I know how much you loved your pets. Be comforted in knowing that others understand your love for the dogs and that God gives us animals so that someone loves us unconditionally.
    God bless -- you are in our prayers.

    Terry and Brooks

  3. Thank you all for your very kind words. Trotter lived in three different parsonages with us and Lilabelle in two. They have blessed us in so many wonderful ways. Lulu is now taking over the security of the backyard. :)
