Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Pastor Robert's 1960's Plastic Easter Bunny

Last year, I received a wonderful Easter gift from my brother. He found my childhood plastic Easter bunny hidden away in storage and sent it in the mail to me. He/she now sits next to my favorite bible commentaries on my book shelf throughout the year.

Now, I don't offer this picture of my plastic Easter bunny to show off or anything like that. I wanted you to meet him/her to show that the wonder of Easter never leaves us no matter how old we are. I can still picture him/her lying in my Easter basket filled with jelly beans year in and year out without fail when I was a kid.  Even in my middle age years, he/she continues to remind me of our time together so long ago 

Every year when we celebrate Easter and Jesus' victory over sin and death, we are reminded that Easter hasn't left us. It's a celebration that we can enjoy not just on Easter Sunday, but every day.

If my plastic Easter bunny could talk, he/she would say, "Attend an Easter worship service at a church near you!" If you come to the church where I serve, that would be 7:30 am, 9:00 am, and 10:30 am

So, when I got my Easter bunny in the mail last year, I popped opened his head and noticed that there are 1960's jelly beans still in his body waiting to be consumed. If you want some, hit me up. 

Happy Easter, every bunny!

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