Monday, August 11, 2014

World's Largest Men's Bible Class - 1915 (Lancaster Methodist Episcopal Church, Lancaster, Ohio)

[Historic photo of World's Largest Men's Bible Class - 1915, Lancaster, Ohio]
*Click picture to enlarge*

Our church is preparing to celebrate the centennial anniversary of having the world's largest men's bible class in 1915. There are 1,316 men in this photo! The photo above is proudly displayed in room #26 and also in the Work Center of our church. At the time of this photo, our church was known as First Methodist Episcopal Church.

To commemorate this incredible event, our church will be gathering for a combined worship service on Sunday, September 7, 10:00 am at our Crossroads facility, 2095 W. Fair Avenue. During this service, we will show a video segment about this historical achievement.

Following the worship service, we will have a group picture of our congregation (male & female.) This picture will be used as the front cover display for our new church pictorial directory.

Remember to join us for a combined worship service at our Crossroads facility on Sunday, September 7, 10:00 am.

Here is the schedule:
10:00 am - Combined Worship Service
11:30 am - Congregation Group Photo
11:45 am - Covered Dish Meal & Games

SPECIAL NOTE: There will be no services held at our main church building that day.

Other September 7 Details:
  • We will provide nursery care from 9:30 am to noon that day. We have a wonderful nursery at Crossroads!
  • Bring a covered dish to share for our meal together (bring coolers as needed & disposable containers if possible.) Meat, beverages, and place settings will be provided.
  • Games & activities for children will begin after our church photo.
  • Consider car pooling to save on our parking spaces! We will also provide shuttle service from our main building to Crossroads at 9:00 & 9:30 am and back to the church at noon and 1:00 pm.


  1. According to the 1920 Census, the population of Lancaster County was 40,484. Assume the adult male popuation was 1/3: About 13,000.

    More than 10% of the adult males in the whole entire county!!!

  2. Thanks for putting this into perspective, Jim! Truth be told, the photo also includes men from nearby churches who joined the fun! :)
