Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Thoughts about Children in Worship

Our church will be including a new card (see below) in our pew pockets at church. This card includes thoughts on being a welcoming church for children and young families. We have been noticing an increase in the number of parents and children attending worship. This is wonderful!

During a recent Sunday, several babies had drowned out a portion of my sermon. No problem. I just kept on preaching and I made a comment that it's so good to hear children in worship. When I got home after the last worship service, I remember being so thankful that we are a church with lots of young families.

There are many churches that are very quiet on Sunday mornings because there are no children attending and no babies crying. I am so grateful that we are a church representing many different ages.

I invite us to read through this list of thoughts on children in worship. These are great reminders on how we can be more like Jesus who said, "Let the children come to me for to such belongs the kingdom of God."

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