Monday, October 13, 2014

Join the Spoon Challenge!

This past Sunday as part of our church-wide "Living Generously" focus, I challenged our congregation to intentionally serve three different people this week. Here's the link for the sermon. Throughout Jesus' ministry, he went out of his way to show God's love to people. This was Jesus' way of pointing people to God's in-breaking kingdom.

"Spoons are for feeding ourselves but ladles are for serving others."

To remind us of this serving challenge, each worshipper was given a white plastic spoon. The spoon was supposed to be a ladle but I wasn't able to find an inexpensive bulk supply of plastic ladles to hand out to everyone. As the saying goes, spoons are for feeding ourselves but ladles are for serving others.

Don't be like this guy who used his spoon to stuff himself with tons of ice cream.

Be more like  this person who used her ladle to serve others.

We want to hear how God prompted you to go out of your way to serve somebody in the name of Christ this week. You can share your stories on our Lancaster First UMC Facebook page or send me an email at

"Lord bless our congregation as we seek to be open to the promptings of your Holy Spirit to serve the needs of others this week. Teach us what it means to live generously. Amen."

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