Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Amazing Peg, How Sweet She Is

Back Row: Clarence McCoy, Dustin Robers, Dan Kemp, Jill Warner, & Sandy Roberts
Middle Row: Lisa Schenck, Deb Silvia, & John Coen
Front Row: Jim Parker, Robert McDowell, & Peg Parker

Our Coordinator of Caring Ministries, Peg Parker is retiring this Friday after almost thirty years on staff at Lancaster First UMC. I have had the privilege of working with Peg these past five and a half years. She has been a tremendous blessing to our church in providing caring ministries in our church family.

The staff took her out to lunch today in Columbus as our way of saying thanks for her ministry. We had fun reminiscing and I wrote this song in her honor to the tune of "Amazing Grace." The staff sang this to her after our lunch. 

Our church will be hosting Peg and Jim for a retirement open house at Rising House from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm this Sunday, November 23. The Staff/Parish Relations Committee will be making a special presentation to her at 2:00 pm.

Thank you, Peg for helping our church make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!

Amazing Peg, How Sweet She Is”
By Robert Vincent McDowell
[To the tune of “Amazing Grace”]
With special permission from John Newton’s Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandchildren.

Amazing Peg, how sweet she is.
Without her, our tummies would growl.
She loves to cook. She loves to bake.
What are we going to do now?

‘Twas donuts and coffee that’s made church fun.
Fellowship Time is the fun place to meet.
And now with Spirit Café on the same floor.
There’s more friends to meet and greet.

Through many freezer alarms and ice machines.
We have already come.
Tis grace hath brought us safe thus far.
And preserved our mayo and greens.

When Peg’s been there nearly thirty years.
Bright shining as the sun.
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise,
For this saint and a job well done!

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