Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Upcoming Sunday Scripture Commentary - February 8

February 8 Sermon - "Look Up!"

Isaiah 40:21-31

This passage was written when the people of Judah were in exile. It is meant to assure them that the Lord is still with them.

The key is to have the people "look up." Notice that this phrase is used in v. 26 and 28.

Verse 27 sets up the scripture passage. How can the people of Judah keep hope when their experience is bleak?

The answer is that God is more than the sum total of our experiences. God often defies our what we are experiencing in the present moment.

Verse 31 - What does it mean to wait for the Lord?

Mark 1:29-39

Jesus heals many at Simon's house.

Jesus came to bring healing to those who were tormented. He came to bring release from the evil forces present in the world. Jesus shows his authority through these healings. Jess became the bridge to help people find healing from their bondage. On the cross, Jesus completed his healing and saving work for the world which he had started here in Mark chapter one.

As we face evil and demonic forces in our world today, it's important to remember that Jesus has already exercised his loving authority over them.

What evil forces do you see at work in the world? How can we offer God's healing love in those situations?

[Note: The resources used for these scripture reading commentaries are based on the Everyone series by NT Wright, Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary, The Wesley Study Bible, and the “Montreal-Anglican”lectionary commentaries.]

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