Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Upcoming Sunday Scripture Commentary - March 1

Sermon (March 1) - "Different Robes of Jesus: Servant's Robe"

John 13:1-17

John focuses on three things in telling this foot washing story:

Passover - Whenever Jesus mentions a Jewish festival, he is doing so to apply that festival to Jesus himself. Passover is the greatest of all the Jewish festivals. John's connection with Passover gives us a hint that Jesus will be the passover lamb.

Jesus' approaching death - John prepares us for the approaching cross in the opening verses of this chapter.

The motive of Jesus' actions - This story reminds us of the good shepherd scripture in John, chapter 10. The good shepherd loves enough to be willing to offer his very life for the sake of others.

The foot washing helps us to see who God is. God loves us this much! The next time that Jesus' clothing will be mentioned is when he will be revealed as "the man" in front of Pilate in John 19:5. On the cross, Jesus will be naked, again showing God's vulnerability in giving everything for the sake of the world.

Peter's objection to allowing Jesus to wash his feet reminds us of when Peter objected to Jesus going to Jerusalem and to the cross.

Jesus tells us to follow his example which means that we are to serve in humble ways.

[Note: The resources used for these scripture reading commentaries are based on the Everyone series by NT Wright, Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary, The Wesley Study Bible, and the “Montreal-Anglican”lectionary commentaries.]

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