Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Church on the Move!

Dear Friends of Lancaster First UMC,

As Penny and I were reflecting on our move to Athens this June, she said, “Do you realize this will be our ninth move?” Wow! I had forgotten just how many times we have ordered bubble wrap and wardrobe boxes over all these years!

Methodist preachers have a long history of moving from one location to another. This is one of the main reasons why Methodism grew so quickly when it first came to America. 

Methodist preachers were always ready to move in order to “spread scriptural holiness throughout the land.” Back then, they were known as "Circuit Riders" and rode horses from place to place. Today, we drive Ford Focuses.

"We have a mobile faith!"

This willingness to move is at the heart of the Book of Acts as the early church took the gospel message from Jerusalem all the way to Rome. Today, the church continues to be on the move. We have a mobile faith!

Our church is also on the move. We are sharing the good news of Christ as far away as Lithuania and Zambia. Our youth will be sharing God’s love on their mission trips to Maryland and West Virginia this summer. Our monthly Second Saturday outreach blesses people in a variety of ways throughout Lancaster and the surrounding area. There are also many other ways that we are living out our faith beyond our church walls.

I just want you to know what an honor and a privilege it is has been over these past six years to serve a church that is always on the move.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Robert 

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