Friday, May 29, 2015

A Thank You to "My Peeps" (Staff Team)

Top Row Left to Right: Clarence McCoy, Joe Palmer, Dustin Roberts, John Coen, Dan Kemp, & Jill Warner
Middle Row: Lisa Schenck, Sandy Roberts, Deb Silvia, & Judy Tucker
First Row: Penny McDowell, Robert McDowell, & Cheryl Foulk

Penny and I were treated to a fun farewell party at Olive Garden today. They went way above and beyond in sharing their gifts, laughter, and love with us. We had a great time. They even let me have the extra black olives from the salad bowl!

Lots of fun gifts and one of my favorite ones was this gold star trophy! Ha!

During the Easter Season, we made a big deal about how we are God's "peeps" as in the marshmallow treats. I consider it a high honor to be one of our staff peeps!

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism was known for emphasizing that Christianity is meant to be lived in community. This faith of ours is not meant to be lived in isolation. Thank God for that! We need each other. Over these past six years, I have been blessed with a wonderful staff team. I can't say enough about how much I have appreciated their prayers, support, encouragement, and their ministries in our church and community.

As I reflect on the staff picture above, I notice that six of the eleven staff members were added during my time here. Change is inevitable and God promises to always be with us during times of transition. Another change will happen by the end of June when Brian Jones will become the new Senior Pastor. Brian will be a wonderful blessing to this congregation. I'm sure that our church will offer him a warm welcome just as I received six years ago.

To all of my staff "peeps," thank you! May God continue to bless the ministry of Lancaster First UMC through your loving leadership!

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