Friday, May 15, 2015

Inappropriate Hymns for a Pastor's Last Sunday

As I was selecting hymns for my last Sunday at Lancaster First UMC which will be June 14, it became very apparent to me that there are many hymns that would be inappropriate to use for this occasion. Thankfully, I have enjoyed a wonderful relationship with my congregation over these past six years and my actual hymn choices for my final Sunday will be nothing like these!

In the spirit of not taking ourselves too seriously in the church, I offer this list of the top 10 most inappropriate hymns for a pastor's last Sunday.


Hail Thee, Festival Day


Good Christian Friends, Rejoice


Come, Ye Thankful People, Come


Nobody Knows the Trouble I See


The Strife Is O'er, the Battle Done


He Never Said a Mumbalin' Word


Rock-a-Bye, My Dear Little Boy


Filled with Excitement, All the Happy Throng


When the Church of Jesus Shuts It's Outer Door

And the top most inappropriate hymn for a pastor's last Sunday is...


Move Me, Move Me

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