Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Pastoral Prayer (August 23) - Athens First UMC

God of compassion, thank you for this special Sunday in which we recognize those who are serving in our Stephen Ministry. Thank you for our care-givers and our care-receivers. May this ministry continue to be a blessing through our church.

Whenever we go through difficult challenges and transitions in our lives, remind us that we are never alone because you promise to always be with us. We especially lift up to you students, teachers, administrators, and support staff in this new school year.

May our church be a visible expression of your presence in our community, especially for university students who walk by our building on a daily basis. Help us to be a place of hope and refuge for the people of our surrounding community.

We want to be a varsity-faith church where we letter in worship, unity, kindness, growth, spiritual gifts, a spirit-filled life, and prayer. We want to be a church that knows that our best days are ahead of us and not behind us. Keep us on our toes, O God so that we don’t miss out on the next big thing you have in store for us.

On this Sunday that we focus on what it means to letter in prayer in having a varsity of faith, we especially are mindful of those who are in special need of you this day. Surround them with your love and care. Bless those who are in need of healing and for those who have heavy hearts for whatever reason.

And now, as a people of prayer, we join together in saying a prayer that Jesus taught us to say together, “Our Father, who art in heaven…”

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