Monday, August 31, 2015

Pastoral Prayer (August 30) - Athens First UMC

God of new beginnings, thank you for being with us during times of transitions, like the beginning of a new school year. Yellow school buses, students walking to class, and sign up sheets for our Fall Sunday School program remind us that we are entering into a new season of the year.

As we begin to see the first leaves falling to the ground and feel the cooler temperatures at night, remind us that you are a God who is with us through all the changes of life. We confess that we struggle with change, and yet we know that change is what helps us to grow and to grow in a deeper relationship with you.

O God, we are hearing about some exciting changes for our church to help us in our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our community and world. Guide and direct us as we begin a pilot small group that will eventually lead to several new small groups so that we can help each other grow in our faith and share our faith with others.

We pray for a new worship service for college students called “Worship U” which will begin in October. May this new Sunday noon worship service be a blessing to those we are seeking to reach.

And Lord, we also pray that you would be with us as we continue to consider capital improvements that are needed to help our church be better equipped to fulfill our mission and vision to reach people for you.

Through all these changes, be with us, O God. Help us to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Help us to serve you and others at every opportunity. Empower us to be an Old Time Religion church for a new generation.

And now, teach us to pray the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray.  “Our Father, who art in heaven…”

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