Monday, September 21, 2015

Pastoral Prayer (September 20) - Athens First UMC

We are never too old to sing these words of just how much we are loved by you, O God. Thank you for reminding us that you love us, like a parent loves his or her child. You love us that much and you want us to have a child-like faith.

Sometimes, life gets so busy and we can become so serious, that we forget to just live in the moment and enjoy your presence in our lives. Help us to be child-like and to appreciate each moment that you give us. Thank you for our church family and for the laughter and joy we experience in this place in so many different and surprising ways.

O God, remind us to not keep this joy and child-like faith to ourselves, but to share it with the people in our community and world. We want the whole world to know that Jesus loves them and offers each one of us abundant life.

We know that our world needs your joy, O God. The refugees in Europe, the residents in California, the family who lost a loved one, the person facing surgery, the neighbor who lost his job, the family moving to another state, and the college student who is still undecided about a major and future career. O God, even as we wonder about the future, help us to always place our trust in you and to appreciate each and every moment.

Our hearts are still rejoicing over our record noisy bucket offering a few weeks ago to help our community food pantry. Thank you for reminding us of how generosity and joy are closely related. We want to continue to be generous givers in building your kingdom right here in Athens and even throughout the world.

As we pray the Lord’s prayer together, may we share this prayer with a child-like faith, knowing that this prayer is being answered in big and small ways every single day.

Our Father, who art in heaven…

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful prayer. Thank you for serving at Lancaster FUMC. I'm so grateful you were the leader of our family for those years. And thanks for preparing us to accept BrIan. He doesn't have your sense of humor. But he is so special and I can almost feel God's presence when I'm talking with him. May our Lord be with you and Penny always.

    Brenda W.
