Monday, February 22, 2016

Pastoral Prayer (February 21) - Athens First UMC

O God, thank you for the 150 odd people who are here in worship today. 
[See sermon for context of the "150 odd people" reference.]

Help us to be odd in a good way, whether that be by attending worship on a Sunday morning, walking for the homeless on a Saturday morning, attending a small group meeting to hear people share about their faith, or just by taking the time to listen to a child share what she learned in Sunday School. O God, help us to be odd in a good way.

On this second Sunday of Lent, we thank you for how Jesus offered his presence as he continued in his journey toward Jerusalem even though he knew that people were waiting there to do him harm. Thank you for his resolve and his willingness to die on a cross for a broken and hurting world.

Lead us to be like Christ in how we relate to each other and the people of our community. Help us to be like the hearts that we placed on the large map of Athens last Sunday. We want our church to be a positive presence in this community.

We pray for those who are unable to be physically present in worship today but who are able to listen to this service on the radio. We also pray for those who are traveling, those who are ill, and those who might be feeling disconnected from the church. Thank you for your tie that binds us together in Christian love.

With one voice, we join now in praying together,

“Our Father, who art in heaven..."

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