Monday, February 1, 2016

Pastoral Prayer (January 31) - Athens First UMC

O God, teach us how to fish.  Give us that little fishing tip that will open our church doors a little wider for more and more people to come within your saving embrace.

When we get discouraged with less than hoped for results, help us to listen to where you would have us put down our nets, so that your kingdom can be extended right here in our community.

Thank you for surprising us with the good news of the early financial gift that will help our church let down our nets in new and exciting ways right here in our Athens community. We haven’t even officially begun our capital campaign of “Putting Athens First,” and you are already at work through our church in new and exciting ways.

We are already wondering what the next big surprise will be when we lower our nets on the other side of the boat. Thank you for being a God who can turn a discouraging night of fishing into an incredible day of celebration. You never cease to amaze us, O God!

We ask your blessings to be upon our capital campaign planning team as they give of their time to serve on our behalf. We also lift up to you our Honduras missions team as they begin to plan for their trip this summer.

We also pray for those who are discouraged, those who are struggling with medical challenges, those who are looking for work, and those who are going through a difficult transition in their lives.

Dear God, I give you thanks for the opportunity we had two weeks ago to encourage the high school students who were part of the OU Honor Choir. Thank you for those who stayed after worship to serve them lunch and to get to know them. Be with them as they continue in their High School studies and as they think about where you may be leading them. Whenever they become discouraged, remind them that they have been created in your image and that you have a purpose for each of them.

With the confidence of children of God, we now pray the Lord’s Prayer together, saying,

“Our Father, who art in heaven…”

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