Monday, March 28, 2016

Pastoral Prayer (March 27/Easter Sunday) - Athens First UMC

O God, we can see signs of new life all around us. The warmer temperatures, the flowering plants, the tree buds, and yes even the blotches of tall grass in our yards are pointing us to a new season of the year.

We thank you that Easter serves as a new season on the church calendar. We want to live out the dream you have in mind for each one of us and for our church. Thank you that we are an Easter people!

Even as our heart aches for the victims of the recent terrorist attacks in Belgium, we know that Jesus looked evil straight in the eye when he took upon himself all of the brokenness and pain of the world as he hung on the cross. When we saw you hanging on the cross on Good Friday, we thought that evil had won. Instead, you won the victory by rising from the dead. The empty tomb is vindication that you really are who you said you are, the Messiah who has come into the world to defeat sin and death once and for all.

O God, help each one of us to live out our dream in making this world a better place. Thank you for the holy privilege it is to be part of your church family where we are all called to be world changers, peace makers, and bearers of good news.

May this day only be the beginning of our celebration of your Easter victory over sin and death. We want to celebrate your good news all the way through the month of May and Pentecost Sunday when our confirmands join the church. What a great day that will be as well.

As your Easter people, your empty tomb people, your liv’n the dream people, we offer the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples and now teaches us to say together…

“Our Father, who art in heaven…”

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