Monday, April 4, 2016

Pastoral Prayer (April 3) - Athens First UMC

[Our April 3rd worship theme focused on the conversion of "Saul" to "Paul" and how a light from heaven led him to become an apostle of Jesus Christ.]

Living and Risen Lord, thank you that Easter is more than just one day on the calendar. Thank you for these Great Fifty Days of alleluias and praises for your victory over sin and death.

It’s your resurrection power that enables us to serve Monday lunches to the people of our community. It’s your resurrection power that prompted us to wake up early yesterday and serve through our new Athens First Saturday community outreach. It’s your resurrection power that is guiding our confirmands as they prepare to join the church in May. It’s your resurrection power that is leading us to begin an exciting Capital Campaign of building improvements. Thank you for your resurrection power at work in and through this church, O God.

We also pray for your resurrection power to be present with those who are facing difficult challenges and transitions in their lives. May the hope of an empty tomb and the words, “He is Risen,” stay with us no matter what may come our way.

Just as a light from heaven gave Paul a new direction in his life, may your light guide and direct us in all that we do. We pray that our church would continue to shine the light of heaven right here in our community.

We lift up to you those who facing medical challenges and illnesses, for those who are going through a time of financial stress, for those who wake up in the middle of the night due to anxiety and uncertainty. O Lord, shine your light upon all who are troubled and who are in special need of you today.

On this Holy Communion Sunday, we are thankful for the bread and the cup that remind us that you are present with us in a very special way.

And now, we pray the words that Jesus taught his disciples…

“Our Father, who art in heaven…”

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