Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Blue Bird Still Sings Every Father's Day

My wife, Penny wrote this beautiful poem about my dad just a day or two before his funeral back in 1989. It was read at the funeral service and it was later framed. In just a short amount of time, Penny was able to put into words who this great man was. We will always be grateful for this gift, especially every Fathers' Day. Whenever I see a bluebird, I remember dad and give thanks for this poem.

In Loving Memory of Norman McDowell
November 7, 1928 to June 1, 1989

A quiet man to us God sent
Not ours to keep, but only lent.
He loved the sport, he loved the earth
He loved us all and gave us worth.

She loved the man, she loved his life,
Hand in hand she become his wife.
He was her love, he was her friend,
She loves him now even more than then.

In mountains grand he was at home;
The woods and glades he loved to roam.
His favorite bird is blue and free.
He loved to hear them sing from the trees.

His first has strength just as he had;
The next his joy; she's always glad.
His first-born son is calm and warm.
The last is one in his own form.

A quiet man to us God sent
Not ours to keep,but only lent.
He loved the sport, he loved the earth
He loved us all and gave us worth.

- Penny McDowell, 1989

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