Monday, February 13, 2017

Dedication of Building Improvements Prayer (Feb. 12) - Athens First UMC

[Our church relived our history this past Sunday when we dedicated our newly remodeled facility just three days after the 59th anniversary of the first worship service in our building. A fire had destroyed the former building in 1955 forcing the congregation at that time to worship at the OU auditorium for three years. The first worship service in our present building was held on February 9, 1958. The picture above is our newly remodeled sanctuary. We were blessed to have some of our former pastors present as well as our District Superintendent. It was the first time our 10:30 worship service was able to be held in our sanctuary after needing to spend the past twenty-two weeks in our Fellowship Hall while the remodeling and construction was taking place. We had a very spirit-filled time of worship and celebration on Sunday! Below is the dedication liturgy we used during the worship celebration.]

[From left to right: District Superintendent, Rev. Dennis Miller, Rev. Rachel Miller, Rev. Mary Jo Yeakel, Rev. Jim Wagner, Rev. Paul Stark, Dr. Ned DeWire, Rev. Robert McDowell. Not pictured: Rev. Ben Edwards, former District Superintendent & Rev. David Maze, Former Associate Pastor]

[Melissa Brobeck singing the musical blessing toward the end of an incredible worship dedication service of celebration and praise. The Spirit was in the house!]

Dedication of New Welcome Center Entrance

Together, let us dedicate our new Welcome Center entrance to the glory of God. We are invited to extend a hand of blessing toward our new entrance as I offer a prayer of dedication. Let us pray.

O God, we dedicate our new Welcome Center entrance to your glory. We pray that this additional space will offer more opportunities for people to fellowship and feel welcomed in this place. We pray that people who walk by our church building on any given day will see our church as a haven of blessing and peace. We pray that the light of Christ will shine through these windows and be a blessing to all. O God, we dedicate this new entrance to your glory. In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.

Dedication of Elevator

Together, let us dedicate our elevator to the glory of God. We are invited to extend a hand of blessing toward our elevator as I offer a prayer of dedication. Let us pray.

O God, we dedicate this elevator to your glory. We pray that our elevator will be a blessing especially for all who have accessibility needs. We pray that it will also serve as a convenient way to utilize all of the floors and the rooms of our church. May it also be a sign to our community that we are a church that welcomes all to this place. O God, we dedicate this elevator to your glory in loving memory of Naomi Laughlin, and with gratitude and appreciation to her husband, Harold Laughlin. In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.

Dedication of 3rd Floor & New Pastor’s Study

Together, let us dedicate our new 3rd floor college and youth ministry space as well as the new 2nd floor pastor’s office to the glory of God. We are invited to extend a hand of blessing toward the space behind me as I offer a prayer of dedication. Let us pray.

O God, we dedicate our new 3rd floor college and youth ministry space to your glory. We pray that the openness of this area will provide a haven of blessing and peace for all who will use it, especially our youth and college students. We pray that those who gather in this area of our church for conversation and fellowship will be drawn closer to you. We also dedicate the new 2nd floor pastor’s office to your glory. We pray that it will be a holy space for planning, study, and prayer. O God, we dedicate these new places of ministry to your glory. In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.

Dedication of Sanctuary Improvements

Together, let us dedicate our new sanctuary improvements to the glory of God. We are invited to extend a hand of blessing outward as I offer a prayer of dedication. Let us pray.

O God, we dedicate these sanctuary improvements to your glory. We pray that you will be honored and gloried through the weekly worship services that are held in this space. We pray that special worship services like Christmas Eve candlelight, weddings, and funerals will draw people into a closer relationship with you. We pray that all who attend here for concerts and community events will experience your presence in a very special way. We pray that our sanctuary and our church building will continue to be a haven of blessing and peace. In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Almighty God, thank you for these building improvements that will help our church to be more welcoming and accessible for those who enter this place. Thank you for those who have made these improvements possible. For their vision, their labors, their ongoing financial support, their guidance, and their prayers, we are eternally grateful. In the name of Jesus Christ who is our sure foundation, we pray. Amen.

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