Monday, November 25, 2019

Sunday Pastoral Prayer (Nov. 24/Christ the King Sunday) Athens First UMC

[Athens First UMC is now ready for the beginning of our Advent Season which begins next Sunday. A big thank you to our congregation for taking time to decorate our chapel and sanctuary following Sunday’s worship services. Looks like some of our college students were on a mission to put up the sanctuary Christmas tree and they were successful. For the Sunday sermon, click here.]

King of kings, you who are seated at the right hand of God in heaven, remind us on this day and throughout this Thanksgiving week that your authority and power are rooted in your self-giving, sacrificial, and redeeming love for the world. As citizens of your kingdom here on earth, lead us to reflect your kingdom in all that we do.


Forgive us for those times when we have reflected an alternative kingdom that focuses more on power and privilege, rather than upon justice and mercy. You know how enticing these other kingdoms are to us and how often we confuse patriotism with our faith as if they are one and the same. 


We confess that we are often more passionate about a political party than we are about our own faith. Untangle us from our preoccupation with our personal political biases so that we can devote our full allegiance to your kingdom here on earth.


As citizens of your kingdom, we pray for the political leaders in our world and country. We pray that they would be guided by peace, freedom, justice, and compassion, especially for those who are most vulnerable and marginalized. King of kings and Lord of lords, may your freedom ring for all.


On this special Sunday, we are thankful for Jesus, our King. Thank you for reminding us that we are citizens of your kingdom through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Thank you for your rule that is above all earthly rule. And thank you for blessing each one of us so that we can be a blessing to others. 


And now, hear our prayers as we seek your blessings upon those who are mourning the death of a loved one, those who are in need of your healing, those who are in need of hope, and those who are are in need of comfort.


We offer this pray in the name of Jesus our King, to whom be glory, majesty, power, and authority, and in whose name we pray your kingdom prayer…


“Our Father, who art in heaven…”

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