Monday, December 9, 2019

Sunday Pastoral Prayer (Dec. 8/Advent) Athens First UMC

[On this 2nd Sunday of Advent, we hear the cry of John the Baptist calling us to come to the water and be transformed as we prepare for the coming of Christ. For the sermon, click hereOur Chancel Choir sang “Sound Over All Waters” which reminded us of John the Baptist calling us to be baptized and bear fruit in how we live and treat others. Melissa Brobeck offered the solo and Matt James provided a saxophone accompaniment. Click on the video above to enjoy this song. We were also blessed by Christmas concerts this weekend. See below for photos and a video from the Lancaster Chorale Christmas concert on Saturday evening.]

O God, are you really out here in this desert wilderness? This doesn’t seem like the place we would find you. Can’t we simply meet you in a beautiful sanctuary like everybody else on a Sunday morning?


And yet we can hear someone shouting for us to come near the river. He’s shouting for us to prepare the way of the Lord. How can we prepare for the coming of the Lord out here in the middle of nowhere? What? You also want us to wade into the river where the water covers us? This is how we are to prepare the way of the Lord? 


Well since we’re out here, we will trust you. As we go deeper into the Jordan, we almost feel weightless. Hope is replacing despair. Grief is giving way to new life. Anger is being overcome by love. Fear is turning into peace. We’re willing to go even deeper! This is beginning to feel a little like that daily prayer we’ve been praying at 4:57. “Baptize us afresh in the life-giving spirit of Jesus.”


O God, during this Advent season and especially on this Sunday with our focus on transformation, baptize us afresh in your life-giving spirit. 


Baptize us afresh so that we will be ready when you arrive. 

Baptize us afresh so that we not only light an Advent candle each week, but that we would be your light in our community and world where there is so much darkness. 


Baptize us afresh so that your light would expose all of our hidden insecurities, fears, and sins. 

Baptize us afresh so that your light would lead us to bless others through our special Christmas offering this year.

Baptize us afresh so that your light would shine through us as we offer Christmas joy to our Angel Tree families this week. 

Baptize us afresh so that your light would surround the people of our congregation especially those who are grieving, those who are away from home, and others who are on our hearts and minds this day. 

Baptize us afresh so that your light would point us to your promised coming into the world.


As we wade even deeper into the water, baptize us afresh in the life giving spirit of Jesus who taught us to pray together saying, “Our Father, who art in heaven…”

[Our church hosted a Christmas concert last evening with the Lancaster Chorale. It was a great way to prepare for the coming celebration of Christmas. See photos below for from our evening concert. The video below is the last verse from “O Come All Ye Faithful.” Part of what it means in being faithful is that we take time during this Advent season allowing God to transform us from the inside-out which is the point of our pastoral prayer for this 2nd Sunday of Advent.]

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